Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Spring-- er, Fall Cleaning!

I've greatly cleaned up the Aircrack-NGUI code so that functions are shorter and much more documented. I need to make one more pass-through for removing unused implemented Listeners on classes, but I need a quick sweep of the program to make sure everything's still working properly. I've updated the issues list on the repository page to show everything that's wrong with the current codebase. I'll work to knock those out but I can only do so much at a time. Also, the seeds of adding Reaver to the program have been sown. The "side-kick" to Reaver called Wash has been embedded into the Discover Networks scan. It will scan for WPS-enabled networks in the background while populating the data of airodump-ng and fixing the ESSIDs with an iw dev scan (which you now have the option to do a passive scan). The next step is to implement the actual Reaver page, which shouldn't take too long.

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