- Renamed the forms to remove the Aircrack-NGUI prefix. The form names went on a diet and slimmed down! (Ironic with the cookie image associated with this post) The form's titles no longer say "Aircrack-NGUI - <form name>", and instead just say "<form name>", for easier location on the menu bar.
- Removed the button-and-menu layout and replaced with menus with hotkeys. The button-and-menu layout is (mostly) gone! You now have a menu bar on the main page to navigate through the program and only open the windows you need. For example, opening a Ping window originally took several clicks and windows (Main Form->Other Tools (own window)->Basic Tools (own window)->Ping. You now click on the Other Tools menu, highlight on Basic Tools (another menu will pop up) and click Ping, so you're left with the main menu and the Ping window. I do have plans for the empty space on the main page, so just accept the eyesore for right now.
- Fixed the output of Replay/Inject packets so it would rewrite the line on carriage returns with no line feed. Essentially, I made the Replay/Inject Packets window output resemble the aireplay-ng output. There are a few bugs with this with ARP request replay, fragmentation, and chop-chop, but I'm working on it.
- Added profiles option to Discover Networks. This one's a big one. You can now create "profiles" in Discover Networks that save on your hard disk for you to pull up later. This is helpful if you have a certain setting in Discover Networks you want to use over-and-over but don't want to click on the checkboxes and fill out the text boxes each time. This is entirely optional and only saves profiles when you indicate so.
- Moved the scripts to a better-named folder. Moved the scripts that NGUI relies on from "Scripts" to "RequiredScripts". Not much more than that.
- Added the Trace Route option Trace Route! Woo hoo! You can now trace the route between your computer and an external (or internal) address. What makes this special? Well, Aircrack-NGUI displays it in a table which (you guessed it) you can right-click on individual rows and send data to other parts of the program. Very nice if you want to discover if a hop on a traceroute has ICMP echo responses enabled.
- Started on the Settings screen with Preferred Interfaces. This is another start but I'm working on the Settings screen, which will include options such as deleting all profiles, specifying "preferred" interfaces (automatically selected when a new form is populated), and much, much more.
- Binaries. The binaries to reflect the above updates as well.
Things are slowly improving and getting more user-friendly, especially with the release of profiles, which I plan to implement more across the system.
Click here to download the latest version of Aircrack-NGUI.
Happy hacking!